Professor Scott Fritzen: Fulbright leader unlocks insights for global research.
Books and edited volumes
- Johnston, M. and Fritzen S. (2021) The Corruption Conundrum: Reform for Social Justice. New York: Routledge.
- Wu, X., Howlett, M., Ramesh, M. and Fritzen, S. (2018: 2nd edition) The Public Policy Primer: Managing the Policy Process. London: Routledge, 120 pp.
- Araral E., Fritzen S., Howlett M., Ramesh M., and Wu X. (eds) (2015) Routledge Handbook of Public Policy. London: Routledge.
- Fritzen, S. (ed.) (2012-13) ERN Public Policy Centers Research Paper Series, NYU Wagner School of Public Service, Volumes 3-5 (4 issues).
- Fritzen, S., Serritzlew, S. and Svendsen, G. (eds.) (2014) Special Edition: Corruption, Trust and Comparative Public Policy. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. 16(2): March 2014.
- Mahbubani K., Yiannouka S., Fritzen S., Tuminez A. and Tan K.P. (2012) The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy: Building a Global Policy School in Asia. Singapore: World Scientific Press, 208 pp.
- Ramesh, M. and Fritzen, S. (eds) (2009) Transforming Asian Governance, London: Routledge, 300 pp. Kumar, V. and Fritzen, S. (eds) (2004) Social Security in a Developing World Context, New Delhi: Serials Publications, 350 pp.
Refereed journal articles
- Fritzen, S. & J. Patrick Dobel. (2018) Transforming corrupt systems: What have we learned? Public Integrity S1:60-73.
- Bui T., S. Fritzen, Le M., Doan T., Duong M. (2014) Policy processes underpinning universal health insurance in Vietnam. Global Health Action 7:24928.
- Fritzen, S., Serritzlew, S. and Svendsen, G. (2014) Corruption, Trust and Their Public-Sector Consequences. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 16(2):117-120.
- Fritzen, S. and S. Basu (2011) The strategic use of information in anti-corruption agencies: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific Region. International Journal of Public Administration 31(14): 893-904
- Fritzen, S. (2010) Envisioning public administration as a scholarly field in the year 2020: Toward global and comparative administrative theorizing. Public Administration Review (70), supplemental.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) Public Policy Education Goes Global: A Multidimensional Challenge. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 27(1): 205-214.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) Crafting performance measurement systems to reduce corruption vulnerabilities in complex, multistakeholder organizations: The case of the World Bank. Measuring Business Excellence 11(4): 23-32.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) Discipline or democratize? Patterns of bureaucratic accountability in Southeast Asia. International Journal of Public Administration 30: 1435–1457.
- Munira, S.L. and Fritzen, S. (2007) What influences government adoption of new vaccines in developing countries? A policy process approach. Social Science & Medicine 65: 1751-1764.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) Can the design of community-driven development reduce the risk of elite capture? Evidence from Indonesia. World Development 35(8): 1359-1375.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) Legacies of Primary Health Care in an era of health sector reform: Vietnam’s commune clinics in transition. Social Science & Medicine 64: 1611-1623.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) Linking context and strategy in donor support for decentralization: A diagnostic framework. Public Administration and Development 27: 13-25.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) Reorienting health ministry roles in transition settings: Capacity and strategy gaps. Health Policy 83: 73-83.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) Strategic management of the health workforce in developing countries: What have we learned? Human Resources for Health 5(4): 1-10.
- Fritzen, S and C. Brassard (2007) Multilevel assessments for better targeting of the poor: An analytical framework. Progress in Development Studies 7(2): 99-113.
- Fritzen, S. and C. Brassard (2006) Bat Binh Dang va Nhung Lua Chon Chinh Sach [Inequality: A Policy Assessment], Hoat Dong Khoa Hoc [Science Activities Review], 47(2): 57-60. [Vietnamese journal published by Ministry of Science and Technology]
- Fritzen, S. (2006) Probing system limits: Decentralisation and local political accountability in Vietnam, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 28(1): 1-24.
- Fritzen, S. (2006) Beyond ‘political will’: How institutional context shapes the implementation of anti-corruption policies, Policy & Society, 24(3): 79-96.
- Fritzen, S. (2003) Escaping the low income – low social protection trap in developing countries: What are the options? Indian Journal of Social Development, 3(2): 14-32.
- Fritzen, S. (2002) Growth, inequality and the future of poverty reduction in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Economics 13: 653-657.
Book chapters
- Fritzen, S. (forthcoming) Anti-Corruption Agencies: The Search for Effectiveness and Impact. In Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology (eds: Erez, E. and P. Ibarra)
- Fritzen, S. (forthcoming) Corruption and the Destruction of Public Value. In Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration (ed. Graycar, A.), Edward Elgar Press.
- M. Howlett, I. Mukherjee and S. Fritzen. (2018) Challenges Associated with Implementing Climate Adaptation Policy. Chapter in Eds. Carina Kestikalo and Benjamin Preston, Research Handbook on Climate Change Adaptation Policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (in press).
- Basu, S. and S. Fritzen (2013) Government corruption and transparency. In Encyclopedia of Global Social Issues (ed: James Ciment), London: M.E.Sharpe
- Fritzen, S. and S. Basu (2011) From information to indicators: Monitoring progress in the fight against corruption in multi-project, multi-stakeholder organizations. In Handbook of Global Research and Practice in Corruption (ed: Adam Graycar and Russell Smith); London: Edward Elgar.
- Fritzen, S. and Wu, X. (2010) Conclusion: Contradictions, contingencies and the terrain ahead. in Reasserting the Public in Public Services: New Public Management Reforms, Routledge.
- Fritzen, S. (2009) Introduction. In Transforming Asian Governance (ed: Scott Fritzen and M. Ramesh); London: Routledge, 19 pp.
- Fritzen, S. (2009) Public Administration. In Southeast Asia: Regional Dynamics, National Differences (ed: Mark Beeson); New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 74-90.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) From infrastructure to institutions: Reforming primary health care in Vietnam. In Social Issues in Vietnam’s Economic Transformation: Vol 2 (ed: Giang Thanh Long), Hanoi: National Political Publishing House, pp. 51-86.
- Fuller, B.W. and Fritzen, S. (2007) Negotiation and conflict management: A Public Policy Perspective. Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, (ed: J. Rabin), New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. (online and forthcoming in the second edition print edition, 2007) 8 pp.
- Fritzen, S. (2007) Growth with equity over Vietnam’s economic transition: A political economy perspective, in Y. Shimizu (ed) Economic Dynamics of Asia in the New Millennium, Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 367-399.
- Fritzen, S. and Lim, P.O. (2007) Decentralization in developing countries, Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, (ed: J. Rabin), New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. pp. 498-503.
- Fritzen, S. (2006) How do governance capacities affect patterns of crisis management? Towards an analytical framework, in C. Raj Kumar and D.K. Srivastava (eds) Tsunami and disaster management: Law and Governance, Hong Kong: Sweet and Maxwell, pp. 79-10.
- Fritzen, S. (2005) Teaching Public Policy and Administration: Controversies and Directions, in Jabes, J. (ed) The Role of Public Administration in Alleviating Poverty and Improving Governance, Manila: Asian Development Bank, pp. 571-575.
- Fritzen, S. (2005) The ‘misery’ of implementation: Governance, institutions and anti-corruption in Vietnam, in Tarling, N. (ed) Corruption and good governance in Asia, New York: Routledge, pp. 98-120.
- Fritzen, S. (2004) Crisis policymaking and management in Southeast Asia, Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, (ed: J. Rabin), New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc (online and forthcoming in the second edition print edition, 2007), 9 pp.
- Fritzen, S. (2004) Bureaucrats and Politicians in Southeast Asia, Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, (ed: J. Rabin), New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., (online and forthcoming in the second edition print edition, 2007), 9 pp.
- Fritzen, S. (2004) “Introduction” and “Strengthening social protection in low income countries”, in Fritzen, S. and V. Kumar [eds.] (2004), Social security in a developing world context, New Delhi: Serials Publications, pp. 1-17 and 90-108.
- Fritzen, S. (2003) Donors, local development groups and institutional reform over Vietnam’s development decade, in Kerkvliet, B.J., Heng, R.H.K. and Hock, D.K.W. (eds.), Getting organized in Vietnam: Moving in and around the socialist state, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 234-270.
- Fritzen, S. (1999) Fiscal Decentralization, Disparities and Innovation in Viet Nam’s Health Sector, in Litvack, J. and D. Rondinelli (eds.), Market reform in Vietnam: Building institutions for development, Westport, CT: Quorum Books, pp. 71-94.
- Fritzen, S. (2000) Local Government Performance and Decentralization: A Comparative Approach With Application to Social Policy Reform in Vietnam, Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University
Shorter articles and commentary
- Fritzen, S. (2011) A (global) public policy primer. Global-Is-Asian, July/Sept 2011.
- Fritzen, S. (2009) From ‘good to great’ in global public policy education. Global-Is-Asian, July/Sept 2009 editorial.
- Fritzen, S. (2005) Short-duration, high-intensity executive education: Mission impossible? Center for the Development of Teaching and Learning CDTLink, Vol 9(2), cover story.
Commissioned policy analysis and donor reports (selection)
- Fritzen, S. (2018) “Towards a National Policy Framework for Rice Fortification in Myanmar: A Policy Analysis”, PATH and the UNOPS, Yangon, Myanmar.
- Fritzen, S., Pal, L. and Malesky, E. (2016) “Strategic Planning for the Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management”, Fulbright University Vietnam, Hochiminh City.
- Fritzen, S. (in preparation, to be delivered 1/2015) “Integrated Policymaking for Sustainable Development: Problems and Prospects”, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York.
- Fritzen, S. (2012) “Recommendations for the Strategic Development of the Russian Academy of National Economics and Public Administration”, World Bank, Europe and Central Asia Region.
- Fritzen, S. (2010) “Framework and Recommendations for the Viet Nam National Program of Action for Children 2011-2020”, UNICEF, Viet Nam.
- Fritzen, S. (2008) “Facing Constraints, Seizing New Opportunities: A Strategic Management Review of the United Nations Population Fund Program in Indonesia, 2006-2010”, UNFPA, Indonesia.
- Fritzen, S., Howlett, M., Ramesh M., and Wu, X. (2007) “Integrated Policymaking for Sustainable Development: An operational manual”, United Nations Environment Program, Geneva.
- Fritzen, S. (2006) “Managing the health workforce in Vietnam: Situation analysis and recommendations”, World Bank, Vietnam.
- Fritzen, S. (2005) “Local elites, popular democracy and poverty targeting: Making the linkages in community development projects”, World Bank, Indonesia
- Fritzen, S. and C. Brassard (2005) “Vietnam Inequality Report 2005”, Department for International Development (UK) – published report commissioned for the Vietnam National Assembly
- Fritzen, S. and A. Mutebi (2005) “Local governance, transparency and anti-corruption in Community-Driven Development in Vietnam”, World Bank, Vietnam
- Fritzen, S. (2005) “Explaining what works: A guide to smart practice case study design and implementation”, UNICEF India
- Fritzen, S. (2005) “From supply- to demand-driven curriculum reform in public administration education”, National Academy of Public Administration and Danish Agency for International Development, Vietnam
- Fritzen, S. (2004) “Monitoring corruption in World Bank projects: An organizational learning approach”, World Bank, Indonesia
- Fritzen, S. (2004) “Decentralization in East Asia: Making it work for children”, UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific Region, Bangkok
- Fritzen, S. (2004) “Using incentives and accountability to improve school performance: Proposals for the Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam”, Melbourne University Private for the World Bank Primary Teacher Development Project, Vietnam
- Fritzen, S. (2003) “Data quality and empirical strategy in the Indonesian Governance and Decentralization Survey”, World Bank, Indonesia
- Fritzen, S. (2003) “Final impact evaluation synthesis report: The Vietnam National Health Support Project”, Ministry of Health and World Bank, Vietnam
- Fritzen, S. (2003) “Governance and child rights: A diagnostic framework for donor programming”, UNICEF Myanmar and Vietnam
- Fritzen, S. (2002) “Assessment of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework in the East Asia and Pacific Region”, United Nations Staff College, Turin.
- Fritzen, S. and S. Nachuk (2002) “Poverty, governance and decentralization in Vietnam”, Swedish International Development Agency, Vietnam
- Fritzen, S. and J. Stanley (2001) “Final Evaluation: The Rural Infrastructure Development Program”, UNDP and UNCDF
- Fritzen, S. (2001) “Institutionalizing participation: Lessons learned and lessons for strengthening Vietnam’s national anti-poverty programs”, UNICEF, UNCDF and Canadian International Development Agency
- Fritzen, S. (2000) A Strategy for Social Development in Vietnam, 2000-2010. Hanoi Political Publishing House, Hanoi
- Fritzen, S. (1999) “Incorporating an ‘area-focus’ into the 2001-2005 Unicef-Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Country Program of Cooperation: Issues and alternatives”, UNICEF, Vietnam.
- Fritzen, S. (1998) “Evaluating social indicators: General guidelines and presentation of new analysis from 260 commune data-collection network”, Unicef and the Vietnam Committee for the Protection and Care of Children, Vietnam.
- Fritzen (1998) “Economic analysis of household access to productive resources and project participation indicators in the Yen Lap Watershed of Northern Vietnam”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
- Fritzen, S. (1998) “Improving local programs of action for children and the area-focused approach to capacity building: from theory to action”, UNICEF, Vietnam.
- Fritzen, S. (1998) “Microfinance in two upland districts: Situation analysis and alternatives for project involvement in the Song Da Social Forestry Project”, GTZ and Vietnam Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam.
- Fritzen, S. (1998) “Impact evaluation: the Ngoc Lac natural resource management and conservation project”, CARE International, Vietnam.
- Fritzen, S. (1998) “Logical frameworks for impact monitoring and evaluation for natural resource management interventions”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
- Fritzen, S. (1997) “Benefit-cost analysis for development projects: A basic introduction with applications to NGO projects in Viet Nam”, Oxfam International, Vietnam.
- Fritzen, S. (1997) “Benefit-cost analysis of the Hoang Dinh Sea Dyke Reconstruction Project”, Oxfam Great Britain, Vietnam.
- Fritzen, S. (1997) “Smallholder livelihoods in the balance: an evaluation of the Ba Che Natural Resource Management Program”, Save the Children Federation, United Kingdom.
- Fritzen, S. (1997) “Economic analysis of a loan guarantee fund intervention in three midland communes: Design, justification, risks”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Vietnam.
- Fritzen, S. (1997) “Rural credit design, management and household decision making”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Vietnam.
- Fritzen, S. (1996) “Situation analysis and capacity development issues for basic health in Vietnam: Issues paper for UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF joint report Capacity Development for Poverty Alleviation”, United Nations Development Program, Vietnam.